Undue Mythgivings

Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I was in high school back in the late 1980s, I was into fantasy fiction. I spent several of my weekends playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends or reading novels by Piers Anthony, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Terry Brooks to name a few.

At the time, a very good friend brought me a book by Robert Asprin called ‘Another Fine Myth’. He was very much a fan of the novel, as well as others in the series, and I think he wanted me to love it as much as he did. He practically begged me to read it. But, I never got around to reading it, always picking up something else. And at this time I was discovering my love of Stephen King books and those consumed much of my reading time.

Just about a week ago, I came across the book in a used book store, and remembering how passionate my friend was about the story, I decided to finally pick it up. And, do you know what? He was right! It is such an amazing story!

First, a summary. First published in 1978, the novel introduces readers to a world where myth and reality collide, creating an entertaining blend of fantasy and comedy. In this book, we are introduced to Skeeve who is a budding thief learning magic from Garlak on the world of Klah. Skeeve’s life is turned upside down when Garlak is assassinated and Skeeve is left facing a demon. As it happens, the Demon is not your typical demon and actually is Garlak’s friend from another dimension. Aahz is from the dimension of Perv and is a master magician himself…except Garlak, as a practical joke, has caused Aahz to lose all his powers and since Garlak is dead, he can’t restore them nor can he return home. Aahz agrees to continue Skeeve’s training while investigating Garlak’s murder. From here, a friendship is built.

The story is told from Skeeve’s point of view. He is not very worldly at the start of the novel and struggles to comprehend much outside his little world. The demon Aahz has seen much. And more so, because he is not only familiar with Skeeve’s realm of Klah but with many realms. The unlikely duo embarks on a journey to avenge Skeeve’s master and unravel a plot that could have dire consequences for the magical realm.

One of the most exciting aspects of ‘Another Fine Myth’ is its fast-paced and action-packed narrative. From the very first chapter, the story grabs hold of you and propels you into a whirlwind adventure. Asprin’s vivid descriptions and well-paced writing make it easy to envision the fantastical settings, from the bustling streets of the Bazaar at Deva to the otherworldly dimensions.

The humor throughout the novel is another standout feature. The wit and comedic timing provide countless laugh-out-loud moments. The banter between Skeeve and Aahz is particularly amusing, as the two characters play off each other’s quirks and idiosyncrasies. Skeeve’s naivety and Aahz’s gruff demeanor create a dynamic that is both endearing and hilarious. Their humorous exchanges provide a lightheartedness that balances the darker elements of the story.

‘Another Fine Myth’ also excels in its world-building. Asprin crafts a rich and diverse magical realm, with various races, creatures, and dimensions. The detailed lore and mythology add depth to the story, allowing you to immerse yourself in a fully realized fantasy world. The inclusion of magical systems and different realms provides a sense of wonder and excitement, that kept me engaged as the plot unfolded.

As Skeeve navigates the challenges thrown his way, he transforms from a hapless apprentice to a more confident and resourceful protagonist. This character development adds depth to the story, making it more than just a lighthearted romp.

In conclusion, Robert Asprin’s ‘Another Fine Myth’ is a delightful blend of fantasy and comedy that is thoroughly entertaining. With its fast-paced narrative, witty humor, and imaginative world-building, the novel is a fun escapade from beginning to end.

I have managed to rundown the next book in the series and I’m excited to delve into it as well. I hope it’s just as good.